BSc Florian Biedermann

Delegate of the students' committee: Grouping V

Bachelor in Business Administration with a minor in Sustainable Development


Florian Biedermann completed his Bachelor's degree at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He gained work experience at a startup specializing in sustainable packaging solutions and is currently working at a major insurance focussing on sustainable reporting.

  • Student representative in the teaching committee (TC) MSD

  • Student’s committee MSD board member

Current self-research topic

Corporate Social Responsibility, entrepreneurship, consumer behavior

Favorite courses offered within the MSD curriculum

Behavioral Science

Tools and Methods for Interdisciplinary Research

Introduction to Corporate Responsibility


The MSD offers the unique opportunity to develop a holistic perspective on the challenges of sustainability and to think across disciplines. The exchange with students from different academic backgrounds is particularly enriching and opens up new impluses and perspectives.

Florian Biedermann
Florian Biedermann

F. Biedermann

c/o FG MSD
Vesalgasse 1
4051 Basel