PD Dr. Basil Bornemann

Delegate of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Grouping II

Senior researcher and lecturer

Research Network
Main research topics
  • Sustainability governance and the state

  • Politics and governance of the SDGs

  • Food politics and food democracy

  • Social innovation and transformation

Current research projects
  • The Sustainabilization of the State - Forms, Functions and Formation of Sustainability Governance in Swiss Cantons (funded by SNSF)
  • Transformative Städtische Ernährungsprojekte: Was bewährt sich wo und wie? (TASTE) (funded by SDSN)
Favorite Courses within the MSD Curriculum

Lecture: Sustainable Development: A new Societal Paradigm?


Lectures overview incl. current semester


For sustainable change in society, we need to empower ourselves both theoretically and practically: To think and act in new ways. Transformative potential lies in the combination of the two.

Basil Bornemann
Basil Bornemann

PD Dr. Basil Bornemann

Sustainability Science Research Group
Bernoullistrasse 14/16
4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 61 42