E. Kesen

Focus Area in Social Sciences

Ekrem Kesen

The MSD was for me a chance to learn the methods for an effective change and a way to further my knowledge on the issues that really matter.

Title master's thesis: Role of Collective Action in Capability Expansion: Examining Refugee-Led Organizations in Expanding Individual and Collective Capabilities.


Focus area in economics

Rahel Ostgen

The MSD was for me a chance to understand and assess real-world problems with regard to sustainability.

Title master's thesis: At-home and out-of-home food consumption.
Sustainability assessment of dietary patterns on a household level

Silvan Andraschko

Focus Area in Economics

Silvan Andraschko

The MSD was for me the possibility to learn about very different problems, concepts and possible solutions in the field of sustainability from the perspectives of social sciences, natural science and economics.

Title master's thesis: Investing Sustainably: Different Approaches and Their Effect on Financial Performance. A Sustainable Investment Simulation of a Swiss Pension Fund’s Portfolio

Deborah Bieri

Focus area in social sciences

Deborah Bieri

The MSD was for me a great opportunity to study an interdisciplinary and international master in a small group and good personal support. Personally, I would wish for some more flexibility in the choice of subjects.

Title master's thesis: "Influence of a bicycle on the perceived well-being
of female students. A case study from rural Tanzania"

Stephanie Pfister

Focus Area in Natural Sciences

Stephanie Pfister

The MSD was for me an opportunity to educate myself further in interdisciplinarity. I appreciate the versatility of the study programm, as my interests are also broadly diversified.

Title master's thesis: The Influence of Climate Change on the Mobility of Antimony in Soils of Swiss Shooting Ranges

Joao Almeida MSD Alumni

Focus area in Economics

João Almeida

The MSD was for me a huge inspiration, for my professional as well as for my private life. I received all the instruments I needed to be successfull in the last years.

Title master's thesis: Food Losses and Waste in Switzerland. A Quantitative Assessment.

Kim Berrendorf, Alumni MSD

Focus area in Economics

Kim Berrendorf

The MSD was for me a versatile experience which expanded my horizon, taught me to think outside the box and be critical. It enabled me to broaden my professional knowledge and apply interdisciplinary skills.

Title master's thesis: Personality and Communication as Influential Factors for Sustainable Urban Development.

Jeanine Riesen MSD Alumni

Focus area in Social Sciences

Jeanine Riesen

The MSD was for me a diverse course of studies, which encourages lateral-thinking and illustrates chances and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Title master's thesis: Strategieziele für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung: Erarbeitung von strategischen Meta-Zielen für kommerzielle wissenserzeugende Organisationen.

Arne Menn, Sustainability Office

Focus Area in Social Sciences

Arne Menn

The MSD was for me a thought-provoking learning environment and an indispensable basis for my work in the field of sustainability.

Title Master's Thesis: Lebensstile und suffiziente Mobilität. Eine empirische Lebensstilanalyse zur Untersuchung suffizienten Verhaltens und der Anschlussfähigkeit für Suffizienz im Mobilitätsbereich

Focus area in social sciences

Roger Langenegger

The MSD was for me a great opportunity to back up my social science perspective on sustainability challenges with relevant knowledge and methods from the natural sciences and economics.

Title master's thesis: Solar PV Crowdfunding - a Small-Scale Impact Investing Opportunity? An Impact Assessment Framework for Crowdfunded PV Projects.

Lia Ferrini

Focus area in Social Sciences

Lia Ferrini

The MSD was for me an opportunity to acquire a solid scientific knowledge of Sustainable Development: it’s a shared pathway to become a sustainable leader of tomorrow together with other young passionate future change makers.

Title master's thesis: Multilevel Tensions and Synergies of the Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises’ Subsidiaries. A Case Study on ABB India

Stefan Frehland

Focus Area in Natural Sciences

Stefan Frehland

The MSD was for me very interesting, as there exists the opportunity to critically discuss current topics with fellow students having diverse academic backgrounds. This enables to broaden the own horizon.

Title master's thesis: Fate of nanoplastic particles and microplastic fibers in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP)

Juli Lienert

Focus area in social sciences

Juri Lienert

The MSD was for me a great time to learn in small groups about sustainability from different disciplinary angles. I enjoyed the flexibility and the freedom to define my own profile by having the opportunity to select from a broad range of courses.

Title master's thesis: Assessing Ecosan in the Context of Quality of Life – A Case Study about the Introduction of Ecosan in Bhutan.

Erin Duddy

Focus Area in Social Sciences

Erin Duddy

The MSD was for me a pathway in order to enhance my knowledge and experience so that I can spend my life doing what I love and making a positive difference to people.

Title master's thesis: Uncertainty and Decision-Making
Strategies in ESG Risk Assessment
An Empirical Case Study of Insurance Underwriting

Thomas Mani MSD Alumni

Focus area in Natural Sciences

Thomas Mani

The MSD was for me the best option to enter the scientific discourse of sustainability and to acquire a master's degree in this field.

Title master's thesis: Microplastic in the Rhine between Basel and Rotterdam.

Michael Bühren MSD Alumni

Focus area in Natural Sciences

Michael Bührer

The MSD was for me a disciplinary enrichment and a broadening of the horizon.

Title master's thesis: Solarstrom - Vorhersage und Markteinbindung

Sara Stühlinger MSD Alumni

Focus area in Economics

Sara Stühlinger

The MSD was for me a huge enrichment, as it allowed me to see the bigger picture.

Title master's thesis: Verstärkung oder Verdrängung - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Beziehung von Corporate Social Responsibility und Corporate Philanthropy am Beispiel US-amerikanischer Unternehmen

V. Nellinathan

Focus Area in Economics

Vithursan Nellinathan

The MSD was for me a great opportunity to learn the tools and methods to approach sustainability scientifically.

Title master's thesis: Shareholder Engagement Activities of Swiss Asset Management Companies on Sustainable Business Practices. Factors contributing to shareholder saliency and the effectiveness of shareholder engagement activities in promoting sustainable business practices

Mila Yong

Focus area in natural sciences

Mila Yong

The MSD was for me the chance to learn about and understand the world and its challenges of today and the future in an interconntected way.

Title master's thesis: Microplastics in faecal samples of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) and surface water in the Coral Triangle

David Scherrer

Focus area in natural sciences

David Scherrer

The MSD was for me the chance to get to know new fields and ways of thinking. It brings disciplines together and offers the opportunity to participate in shaping our future.

Title master's thesis: Possible migration barrier for Neogobius melanostomus: Block ramps in a restored river section – Case Birs

Laura Jeker

Focus Area in Economics

Laura Jeker

The MSD was for me a wonderful chance to get inspiration and a fundamental and necessary understanding of sustainability in an interdisciplinary approach.

Title master's thesis: Basel’s Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
(SMEs) between Ecological Challenges and

Lucas Zuckschwert

Focus Area in Economics

Lucas Zuckschwert

The MSD was for me a good possibility to learn methods of the three different focal areas to better understand the aspects of today’s challenges and be able to develop forward looking solutions.

Title master's thesis: Lässt sich unser Mobilitätsverhalten durch «Nudges» beeinflussen? Ein «Feldexperiment».

Lisa Weizenegger

Focus Area in Social Sciences

Lisa Weizenegger

The MSD was for me a deeper understanding of the challenges societies and the world face as we move into the future.

Title master's thesis: Politics and an understanding of urban sustainability : the example of Basel-Stadt

Ann-Kathrin Hess MSD Alumna

Focus area in social sciences

Ann-Kathrin Hess

The MSD was for me a great opportunity to gain insights from different disciplines on the topic of energy transitions. These insights, and a focus on quantitative social science research, provided a sound base for my PhD. Last but not least, I met lots of nice and interesting fellow students!

Title master's thesis: Energy Consumption Practices - Evidence from Switzerland.

Tobias Spring Alumni MSD

Focus Area in Social Sciences

Tobias Spring

The MSD was for me in its breadth and multidisciplinarity the only program I could imagine. As Faust would say: "Was hält die Welt im innersten zusammen?"

Title master's thesis: Der Einfluss moderner Formen urbaner Landwirtschaft auf die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Basel-Stadt

Fanny Frei MSD Alumni

Focus area in Natural Sciences

Fanny Frei

The MSD was for me the access to interdisciplinarity in sustainability and energy topics. As well as the challenge to evaluate relevant issues from different perspectives.

Title master's thesis: Scenario Analysis of the Swiss Passenger Car Sector from a Sustainability Perspective.